05 August 2012

Storytelling Sunday

Welcome to Sian's Storytelling Sunday. On the first-Sunday-of-the-Month Sian over at From High In The Sky gives us a chance to share our stories. Any story at all. It doesn't have to be a big one. It doesn't have to be a clever one. It can be a very small one indeed. We'd still love to hear it. Or see it! If someone finds it more fun to tell their story with pictures, please, let's have a look: short, long, a few sentences, or many more? Sian and her followers will take stories anyway we care to offer them!

I thought I knew exactly which story I would share today. I have know for a month. Sian gave an optional prompt yesterday but I was set, I just need to scan the photos and type up the story. The Chosen One, the boys and I attended the 1996 Olympics and I wanted to share that story. It seemed very appropriate, don't you think? But that is the not the story I will share today. My world was rocked this week. While volunteering at a church art camp Tuesday I looked up from what I was doing and saw the face of the Pirate. I asked why he was there and he just nodded his head to the right implying come with me. My cell phone was in a storage closet so I was unaware the Chosen One had texted and called. The Pirate felt a personal visit was called for. The Beast had been in an accident and was at the small medical facility in the town next to ours. He was eventually transferred to the big medical center in our city. He had surgery Wednesday afternoon. A 2-3 hour surgery that took 5 1/2 hours. He had chipped the bone in his left ankle (nothing to be done) and fractured two vertebrae (heal on it's own)...which is not nearly as serious as it implies. The worst injury was to his left wrist. It was grossly dislocated and badly broken. 

The next photo is a bit yucky so if you have a weak stomach scroll fast!  Actually, I find the one above more disturbing, this one is just blood on the ace bandage.

 3 days post surgery

He is not getting very long periods of sleep so we are very grateful when he drifts off in the middle of something. The blue thing covers the external fixator. He has a long and hard recovery ahead of him. Because he is a mechanic he will not be able to do his job for a long time. Prayers for his healing and patience with that process are greatly appreciated.

I think overall I am a person that stays very aware of the blessings in life but I have spent an inordinate amount of time this week thanking God for my loved ones, for this Beast that to me is still my little boy. 

Do you have a story to share? We'd love to read it, feel free to link up at From High In The Sky and if not this month, we do it the first Sunday of every month :)

Belated Blogoversary giveaways this week so be sure to check in!


  1. Oh Beverly,
    my heart goes out to you. When our kids get hurt, they still seem like our babies. Healing wishes going out to him.

    1. Thanks, Rinda, Paul continues to be in my prayers.

  2. We continue to pray for Chris, Ashley and your sweet family.

  3. Thank you, dear Ann! You not only fed us dinner last night but we had enough to create lunch for today AND a casserole for another day...told you it was a lot of food ;)

  4. So sorry to hear that Beverly - you must be so worried. Hugs and thoughts from here and glad to have your faith to keep you strong. Just keep doing what you do best and look after him :0)

    1. Thanks, Jo, the hugs and prayers are felt :)

  5. Oh Beverly, this is dreadful news. I am so sorry to hear of his injuries, but also pleased that it was not a lot worse.
    I have a feeeling he is going to need his Mum quite a bit over the next few months, take care, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thank you, Amy, I definitely spent a lot of time being grateful that it wasn't much, much worse.

  6. What a dreadful shock for everyone! My heart goes out to you all too, and I'm hoping for a good and uncomplicated recovery. All the best to you and yours x

    1. Thanks, Sian, the doctor says a year from now he should be as close to 100% as he will get, he'll never have the full wrist bend flexibility he had but hoping for 70%.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear this,Beverly.....sending healing wishes to you all. Our children never really grow up in our eyes....and are always our babies in our hearts.

    1. Thanks, Jacky, I still keep Mama updated if we are traveling, etc. They are are definitely our babies forever and it still hurts as much to see them in pain.

  8. Oh no! That must have been a horrible shock for you. He looks so sad in his picture! Hoping he heals well!

    1. kinda pitiful isn't he? Thanks for the well wishes! I just went to your blog and am following. I can't wait to go back through some of your posts and fuel my creativity.

  9. Oh my, so sorry that he was hurt. That is such a frightening things to hear of your child being in an accident. Saying a little prayer this very moment for his complete recovery to full health and strength. Bless you all.

  10. Oh my goodness Beverly, what a terrible shock for you. He looks so sad and helpless there. Sending healing vibes and love to all your family xx

  11. Gosh what an awful shock wishing your son a speedy recovery

  12. What a shock for you all and so much discomfort for your son. Wishing him a good recovery and thinking of you.

  13. You are so right, we need to be aware of our blessings as life can indeed change in a moment - always scary when it happens. So sorry to hear of the accident but so grateful for modern medicine and healing. Yep, no matter how big they are still our little boys!

  14. So glad he is now home...continuing to send prayers and hugs your way
    Alison xx

  15. Beverly I am so sorry to hear of this. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this time and wishing for a quick recovery. {{{HUGS}}}

  16. I am so sorry to hear about this.I hope he is healing ok & you adn yours are in our prayers for a quick recovery.

  17. Wow, the x-ray photo is scary! I'm glad he's home & beginning the long road to healing. I'm keeping y'all in my prayers!

  18. WOW - that is certainly some injury!!! Sending healing thoughts and warm hugs your way - hoping for as speedy and uncomplicated recovery as possible - and plenty of patience to put up with the wait and the physio to come!

  19. Oh my!! That would have been quite a shock. We are very blessed each day that we have with our families. No matter how big my kids get I still worry just a little (and they aren't that big yet!!). I am glad that he is doing well.

  20. Please would you try and arrange for your family to spend less time at the local hospital! That xray picture is shocking - he must be in SO much pain. I hope that he soon feels more comfortable and that his convalescence is as speedy as possible.
    These boys sure know how to scare us Mums don't they?!

  21. Oooh...I gasped when I saw the x-ray. Oooooouch!!! Thank God he wasn't more seriously hurt, Beverly. I've been thinking about you guys and wishing your Beastie-boy a speedy recovery!!! xo


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