08 October 2011

Sharing on Saturday

Embossed Tree- Set of 6 Personalized Handmade Christmas Cards

Adorable cards and frames at Virtue75 on Etsy

How cute is this?!?! MomiBoutique on Etsy


"Oh, I see you're home early"

babies & puppies sleeping together.  really just too cute for words.

Pinned Image

gorgeous centerpiece

Decorated Pringles tube for gifting cookies! Makes a dozen look so much better! :)

decorated Pringles cans become cookie boxes!

 ha! @Kim Scanlon- thoughts?

Hope you saw someone you fell in love with, made you smile/laugh or inspired you.
Have a glorious Saturday!


  1. Love the owls and the Pringle tins!
    Alison xx

  2. Great subjects! The exercise and margarita card really made me smile.

  3. You're right, that Halloween outfit is adorable, love the stripy bell bottoms! Thise pumpkin owls are fab too :o)

  4. Wow those pumpkin owls are amazing - I'll have to show D.

    Back to the conkers - the ones I teach are older and they would run around hitting each other rather than the conker. Also Health and safety has gone mad in the UK and some schools have actually banned them.

    Great share - thank you

  5. Wow you found some great ideas. LOVE the owls and the centerpiece is amazing. Thanks for the inspirations.

  6. What lovely finds, Beverly :) The owls are so cute!


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