07 October 2011

52 Weeks of Mail

Are any of you commited to this?  You don't have to be an Etsy team member and no one is going to keep tabs on you. You can quietly pledge to yourself but it'll be more fun if you join the Facebook group!  I'm excited to get started this coming week. Who knows, if I have your address you just may get at least one piece of snail mail from me in the next year ;)

from the team -
52 Weeks of Mail, brought to you by Etsy Greetings Team, is designed to encourage people to be more intentional about relationships and keeping in touch with friends and family by sending out a card or letter each week, for the next year. I don't know about you, but I LOVE getting a personal, hand-written card or letter in the mail.

Throughout 52 Weeks of Mail, we are asking everyone to commit ...to sending just ONE card or letter each week. You can send more than one, of course! 52 Weeks of Mail BEGINS on October 9th, 2011, and ends on October 7th, 2012. Please feel free to blog about this event, or share it on your Facebook page. Share it on Twitter, or any other social networking site too!

We are hoping to get 1000 LIKES by the end of September. Please help out by sharing this with all of your Facebook friends! Let's make this viral!
If you are looking for some GREAT handmade cards to send out to your friends and family, please visit http://www.etsy.com/search/handmade?search_submit&q=etsygreetingsteam&view_type=list&ship_to=US
Here's a great idea: When you send your card to Grandma (or whomever), send a brand new card with an envelope that already has a stamp on it, so that she can send a card to someone else! Be sure to explain in your card what you are doing, so she will know why you sent her a brand new card. :-)

Logo created by Kimberly Costa of Honizukle Press.

Let me know if you are joining in! Have a glorious weekend and check back tmw I have some really cute things to share on Sharing on Saturday's post!!


  1. Glad you got your card and that you liked it. I will answer your question in my blog later this weekend - am now just trying to work out how I did the image to explain that part too :0)
    Enjoy the weekend x

  2. Yes, I'm joining in! I blogged about it yesterday :o)
    A conker is the fruit of a horse chestnut tree. It's the brown shiny nut like thing in the green spiky case. 2nd photo from the right on Jo's (Sugar & Scrap) blog.
    I'll be sure to stop by tomorrow to check out your post :o)

  3. I saw this on Fiona's blog earlier :) I love the idea, but I know it's one thing too many for me right now, so I'm being sensible and not signing up. I will try to actually send more mail over the coming year though, so I'll be joining in in spirit!

  4. I'm thinking about it...having seen it on a few blogs!
    Alison xx

  5. Thanks for sharing this! I think I'll give it a shot! Also applied for the team.

    Have a wonderful day my friend!


YOU ROCK! Seriously, I love getting comments, so know that you have put a bit of added sunshine in my day. Thanks so much and I hope your day is glorious!