05 January 2015

one little word

“a single word can be a catalyst
for enriching your life” ali edwards

one little word® was introduced to the scrapbooking world by Ali Edwards in 2007.  I have participated  some years and not others. This year I feel inspired to have a word. As Ali says A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can be sharp and biting or rich and soft and slowa single word can be a catalyst for enriching your life...”

Ali asks us to consider if there is a single word that sums up what we want for ourselves in the coming year? A word that we believe has the power to help us accomplish things, experience things and weave it’s meaning into our daily life. My friend, Melissa of Daily Life Bits & Pieces did an amazing job of incorporating her word into her life last year, She was intentional for the entire year and shared with us on her blog once a month how her word was impacting her life. And by impacting her life it was impacting her husband, Robbie’s and her mom’s and her nieces and her friends. It was just very cool how it was making a difference in her life. Click over to her blog to see how FUN was evident.

Ali further explains”It can be something tangible or intangible. It could be a thought or a feeling or an emotion. It can be singular or plural. The key is to find something that has personal meaning for you. This is not your mother's word or your spouse's word or your child's word - this is YOUR word. One little word can have big meaning in your life if you allow yourself to be open to the possibilities. And here's one thing that is totally interesting: sometimes a word will pop into your brain and it will not make any sense to you right now. Give it some time. Let it percolate a bit. I have often found that our hearts speak to us in very unique ways. Maybe this is a word you need to hear but just aren't ready for it yet. Again, be open to the possibilities.”

So, I thought quite a bit over the last few weeks about whether I wanted one little word® for 2015. I have seemed to know intuitively the years it would be a good fit and the ones that it wouldn’t. Was it feeling right because December is the time of year where so many of my blogging friends are sharing their word? Once I knew what the word was I tried to ignore the whole issue …who wants that word? @@ but ultimately I have realized the reason the word won’t go away is because it really is the word I need. I also needed it to keep tapping me on the shoulder so that I would think about the possibilities, how the word could do more than what initially jumps to mind. I needed to grasp how glorious the one little word uncluttercan be. Not to just unclutter my house, my studio and my attic but my calendar, my commitments, my goals, my relationships, my spiritual life, my journey of faith with God and the things that I choose over health. To uncluttermeans to be lighter, yes, physically but also mentally, spiritually and emotionally. It means to be free of burden and heaviness that can weigh us down in all those areas.

So unclutter is my  one little word® for 2015. Right now I don’t know how much of the journey I will share. There are some parts I most certainly will, some I most certainly won’t but in the end I am hoping I will be able to look back at 2015 and know that I embraced my word and was as intentional as Melissa about incorporating it into my being.

What one little word speaks to you?


  1. This should be my word too! I'm in the process of following 'the apartment cure' with the hope that I can unclutter and simplify my home a little day by day.
    Looking forward to seeing how you progress as the year goes on.

  2. I am hoping I stick with it, I know it will make life better.

  3. This looks like a great word, with so many possibilities! Wishing you every success with it, and I am looking forward to hearing whichever bits you feel you can share :).

  4. Replies
    1. thanks, Jacky, I know myself, I am a great starter, the challenge will be March through December lol

  5. I have been looking. At lots of 'one little words' over the last few weeks, and I have to say yours really resonates with me...Good Luck with the de cluttering of all areas of your life xx

    1. It wouldn't let go of me, Allison and it's one that definitely deserves my focus. Hopefully it will lighten me in many ways. Look forward to seeing what you choose, if it's this one or related, I have gathered quite a few "helps" already.

  6. Best wishes Beverly on your word unclutter. It's funny how a word won't let you be, I decided to do OWL again because of a word that won't go away. My word this year is START.

    1. Funny how a word can be so persistent even when we deliberately try to avoid it. I am excited to see how "start" makes an impact on you this year.

  7. A choice of word I can identify with!! I saw something on facebook regarding 'uncluttering' your life/home one day at a time!! I saved it to refer to later!! I hope you make good progress in all areas towards a lighter less cluttered existence! Thanks for stopping by & being my first commenter in such a long time!! :)

  8. Gosh that word so speaks to me too Beverly!! I have been trying to unclutter for longer than I care to admit, I make progress but then buy or accumulate more so I am back where I started! I really need to reduce what I have to make any headway.
    Great post and I will be announcing my one word soon. I am still making sure it fits right, because as you say, it has power and meaning and I want to embrace it throughout the year.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, it would be great if you joined in this month and you have up to 25th to post your photos. Good lucky with your word, and uncluttering my computer photo albums are other tasks on my list!

  9. Wow, how powerful! I like this concept. I will have to see what/if a word come to me. One word to sum up a future year is no easy task.

  10. Oh Beverly, this post totally made my day after a very busy week!! I'm just catching up on a week's worth of blog reading & am so glad my FUN posts inspired you. I think "declutter" is a great word - decluttering is one of my goals this year, too, so I hope you'll share along the way & inspire me to do a little here and there . . . especially since I'll be looking for and acting on INSPIRATION this year.

  11. It reminds me of why I chose illuminate last year - to be lighter and clearer on many different parts of my life.


YOU ROCK! Seriously, I love getting comments, so know that you have put a bit of added sunshine in my day. Thanks so much and I hope your day is glorious!