29 June 2014

a Peek at my Week

It's been a while since there's been a peek so here's to getting back on track 
and having a record for myself.

a peek at the week of june 30 - july 5
    our 3rd Mosaic Service of the year at church followed by a Mosaic luncheon and time to honor
                 a minister close to our hearts
    family over for dinner, part of the family lives out of state so I am excited to have time with
    time with the Special Sister then days at the river with the other sisters and our parents
    celebrating Independence Day
    attending the annual festival at the river
    lots of reading and if I am good, lots of walking

a peek into my glorious week!
if I peeked at yours what would I see?


  1. Looks full of family, fresh air and fun - hope it's fabulous :).

    1. It was for the most part, Alexa, Hurricane Arthur was only an issue at night and no damage, thank goodness :)

  2. Sounds as though it's going to be a fun week..enjoy!
    Alison xx


YOU ROCK! Seriously, I love getting comments, so know that you have put a bit of added sunshine in my day. Thanks so much and I hope your day is glorious!