09 December 2013

hello monday

hello cold days

hello week of december 9th
hello cold weather :(
hello to wrapping some gifts
hello to cleaning and decorating
hello to one day with 2nd graders (I was wrong last week, I was blessed by 5th graders)
hello to a nutritional checkup
hello to some suspicious allergy stuff going on
hello to an authentic African meal and missions program by the members of the African church that
         is a part of our faith community
hello to opening a pop up facebook shop with 3 friends, like regular pop up shops it will only be
        around for a limited time https://www.facebook.com/StayHomeStayWarmShop
hello to crock pot meals and snuggling in
hello to the Pirate coming home for a few weeks!!!!


  1. Yay to the pop up shop! Boo to the allergy issues! I was blessed by being with you this past weekend!

  2. Hello to COLD weather here, too - we've just thawed out from three days of being iced-in! (I have to admit it was fun, though - we love just hanging out at home!)

  3. I'm wondering how different your cold weather is to ours! Sorry to hear there's allergy nastiness going on. Good luck with the pop up shop!

  4. Sounds as if warmth and snuggly things are the order of the day :). Wondering how cold it is with you ...

  5. Hope the allergy issue gets sorted and.good luck with the pop up shop!

  6. As I read this, my crock pot is bubbling away in the kitchen. Hoping the nutritionist can give you some good advice and you can avoid any allergic reactions.

  7. Lots of things I can say yes to there! Crockpot meals and wrapping my Mum's Christmas presents for her have been at the top of my list so far this week. best of luck with your shop!


YOU ROCK! Seriously, I love getting comments, so know that you have put a bit of added sunshine in my day. Thanks so much and I hope your day is glorious!