01 March 2013

the Numbers

February 2013
8 days with second graders
25 Valentine cards made
2 Valentine care packages
24 "cupcakes" delivered to church ministers and staff
12 pink roses to wake up to on Valentine’s day from the Chosen One
4 meals with friends
1 family gathering
59 birthdays celebrated by the Special Sister
3 wedding focused days 2 with the bride and 1 with the groom
2 ceramics classes
4.6 pounds down
2 “snow/sleet/freezing rain” events which equated to
  0 days of real snow to enjoy
1 beautiful miraculous baby boy placed in the arms of his forever family

Quinn is indeed a big deal!

This post is a celebration of My Month in Numbers created by Julie Kirk. You should click your way over to Notes On Paper and catch up with her and others' numbers this February.

Did you have a significant number occur this past month?


  1. A great list, Beverly. I was thinking about "1 baby boy FINALLY adopted" too. :o)

  2. Quinn looks big already! He's so cute!

  3. Wonderful list and that last one is fabulous!

  4. Wonderful look at your month Beverly!

  5. Sounds like a great month indeed (well other than the cold and sleet!) - The list one is definitely a bog one :D

  6. Oh wow what a momentous month you have had. A real little cutie that is in his forever families arms

  7. What a great list! I was going to celebrate the 4.6 pounds down and then I saw/remembered Quinn. He's truly the one to celebrate!

  8. Great post, love baby Quinn he's adorable.

  9. Hi Beverly and welcome Quinn - what a perfect little thing he is!

    I always like how so many Month in Numbers posts tend to record so many get-togethers and celebrations. It always feels like people are recording such 'human' things [if that makes sense?!]

    Thank you fgor linking up to me - I've added your post to the board now: http://pinterest.com/notesonpaper/my-month-in-numbers/

    Have a great March!

    Julie :-)


YOU ROCK! Seriously, I love getting comments, so know that you have put a bit of added sunshine in my day. Thanks so much and I hope your day is glorious!