02 September 2012

The Birth of a Warrior ~ Storytelling Sunday

From High in the Sky

Welcome to Sian's Storytelling Sunday. On the first-Sunday-of-the-Month Sian over at From High In The Sky  gives us a chance to share our stories. Any story at all. It doesn't have to be a big one. It doesn't have to be a clever one. It can be a very small one indeed. We'd still love to hear it. Or see it! If someone finds it more fun to tell their story with pictures, please, let's have a look: short, long, a few sentences, or many more? Sian and her followers will take stories anyway we care to offer them!

I have decided there is no sense in planning my story early  because for the last two months a different story has needed to be told by the time Sunday rolls around. Last Sunday the Pirate turned 20. He posted the following story on my Facebook wall and I thought it was definitely worthy of being shared around the world.  Enjoy!

On this eve two long decades ago in a time far far away a great event remembered by all those there happened. That day the government had ruled in your favor, evicting your resident of near nine months out into the world. Family from far and wide came to be there for this event. At dawn you posted your eviction notice and then spent all day battling an epic painful battle with the tenet, kicking him o
ut. Cheers were had by all when the wee lad was finally out. You took all 7 lb 3 oz of him and stared him down while you held him with a giant smile of triumph across your face. You were all impressed by his will to fight so you and Stephen ***** decided that you should take him home and raise him with your other young warrior. Instilling in him all the wisdom and knowledge that you both possessed to hopefully make him truly great someday. That wee young lad grew up to be me and I thank you both for the past twenty years. Love you both-NCE

Do you have a story to share? We'd love to read it, feel free to link up at From High In The Sky and if not this month, we do it the first Sunday of every month :)

I am also submitting this over at Simony's blog http://www.greatfun4kidsblog.com/ as my favorite post of the last week. How could this not be my choice?


  1. That is amazing, what a lovely post!

  2. A warrior mama I would say!

  3. What a wonderful thing for him to have posted!
    Alison xx

  4. Aww! What a sweetie! I bet this made you smile!

  5. What a wonderful way for him to celebrate his birthday - a thank you to his parents! Perfectly lovely.

  6. This is so touching. What a wonderful son to think of his parents and show his appreciation in this way. Great story for SS. Irene

  7. lol! Bet that put a smile on your face - it's a great choice for Storytelling Sunday and I'm glad we all got to smile too. Thanks Beverly

  8. Oh what a lovely story! Thank you so much for sharing your Son's story. My Ewok was 20 this year too.

  9. LOL - how fab that he wrote that!

  10. Oh my gosh, this is an awesome story! :)


YOU ROCK! Seriously, I love getting comments, so know that you have put a bit of added sunshine in my day. Thanks so much and I hope your day is glorious!