17 August 2012


Trash journaling.
I don't know if there is such a thing, it's just what I have always called it. I did some trash journaling in my teens, a good bit when I was going through the loss of two pregnancies but other than that I have probably only trash journaled 3 times (before yesterday) in my adult life. What is trash journaling? For me it is writing all the frustrations, anxiety, pent up emotions (ummm yea anger) that I could never express aloud. I write it all and believe me it's not pretty then I ball it up and bury it deep in the trash. It goes to the landfill not the recycling center and decomposes. So much better for it to rot and become good for the earth than for it to rot situations, relationships or my soul. It's cathartic, it doesn't make everything hunky dory all of a sudden, it doesn't make me think there are simple solutions but it releases the bad stuff that weighs me down and makes me less compassionate and less of  the person I want to be and be around. Funny, today while I was meditating on things I realized some of them had improved......some haven't yet, some I have no control over but having trash journaled I am able to approach His throne in prayer with a much more worthy attitude.


  1. This post rang a chord with me as when my mum died my sister struggled badly with depression and the counsellor she saw told her to write everything down, either as notes or letters but to get it out of her system and then burn it and watch it go up in smoke. I've tried it a couple of times when things have got really tough and it does help just getting it out of your head and onto paper.

    1. It's amazing how much it help things release, Deb.

  2. Beautiful post Bev. I think that is such a great idea to get the anger and worries off our hearts. It must be a very cathartic exercise. Hoping you are ok and praying for you at the moment. xxx

    1. your prayers are always cherished, Abi :)

  3. gonna file that one away and use it someday....

    1. Tricia, I think you'd finding it a good tool for that box.

  4. Great post! I've done this before. I actually wrote a letter to someone that wronged me, but I never sent it. But I was able to get everything I wanted to tell the person out of my system.

  5. I have done this on a few occasions too..and it DOES help!
    Alison xx

  6. Up until I started a blog and scrapping I was not a journaler, since then I have become one and I completely understand where you are coming from.
    Take care Beverly, I hope things sort themselves out soon and that you find the strength you need to deal with them.

    1. Thanks so much, Amy, the strength wavers occasionally but I am blessed to have the Chosen One, my faith and a mama that told me "chip up" (as much as I hated it)

  7. That's a very good description - "Trash Journalling". I kept a journal as a teen, but haven't really done anythink like that since, except for a blog post once, expressing frustration with life as it was at a bad moment. Posted it for about 4 hours, then took it down again - even in that small time-slot, a couple of blog friends had left such kind and encouraging comments. I didn't want it "out there" though, so made it "draft". Havent looked at it since - but it did much as your screwed up paper ball did; I felt much better for letting go of the frustration. You're right, it's easier to move forward and focus on what (and Who) is important, if you can unburden yourself and let go of some of what is hurting you.
    Hope you're getting on better now.
    Love and prayers (and thanks for your kind comments on my recent posts). XX

    1. Thank you, Lizie, it is greatly appreciated. I learned long ago there are many words and thoughts we don't need to express to others but sometimes we have to have a safe place to scream ;)

  8. I am totally adopting that term - "Trash Journaling" - I've done it at various times in my life and just recommended it to a friend the other day! So glad you were able to get those emotions out!


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