28 January 2012

Sharing on Saturdays

Check out Imogene Lamport's photography posing tip over at
The one above is pretty amazing, huh?

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Did you grow up knowing how to fold a fitted sheet. SweetGirl looked at me pretty strange when she found out I didn't fold this way. Proud to say (after much trial and error) I know can do it and am placing each set of linens inside the pillowcase.

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Seriously?! How is this even humanly possible?!
dude knows!
So blessed to be married to a man that understands how sexy a man doing housework is :) Hmmm maybe he'll put on that sexy look today! Hope you are having a glorious weekend!


  1. I worked in a laundry as a summer job long ago and have pretty good folding skills as a result!

  2. Love the 10 commandments of weight loss - makes it sound so easy! :>)


YOU ROCK! Seriously, I love getting comments, so know that you have put a bit of added sunshine in my day. Thanks so much and I hope your day is glorious!