11 January 2009


What will I do this afternoon? Stephen is enroute to the UK for the week, the boys are playing some kind of world domination computer game and Pearl is sleeping (and snoring) in her window perch here in the studio. Lets' see I can work on the multi media collage for the one word challenge, work on the scripture challenges based on faith and kindness, work on orders orrrr climb into the chaise lounge, start reading the N&O and promptly fall asleep. Hmmmmm I don't want to blur the work component too much by doing that on Sunday and I feel quite sure that I will be more creative if I take a nap. Seems like the N&O and the chaise lounge win ; > Hope you are having a glorious Sunday!

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YOU ROCK! Seriously, I love getting comments, so know that you have put a bit of added sunshine in my day. Thanks so much and I hope your day is glorious!