30 December 2013

hello monday

hello week of december 30th
hello last few days of 2013
hello to more time with friends and family
hello to board games and puzzles
hello to collard greens and blackeyed peas
hello to a fresh crafting year
hello to books and movies
hello to lots of discussion and planning for 2014 with the Chosen One

hello to my glorious life

what are saying hello to as one year ends and another begins?


  1. I'm saying Hello to getting back to healthy eating & exercise, the start of Ali's One Little Word class & Stacy Julian's Inspired Scrapbooking class, and getting back into a weekly routine.

  2. We'll be making a pork roast and black eyed peas tomorrow, too!


YOU ROCK! Seriously, I love getting comments, so know that you have put a bit of added sunshine in my day. Thanks so much and I hope your day is glorious!