23 September 2013

hello monday

hello week of september 23rd
hello to a week with second graders
hello to sharing our final scavenger hunt photos with you
hello to catching up on the ROOTS art journaling class I am taking
hell to fall weather
hello to it being darker earlier :(
hello to Daddy's 83rd birthday
hello to getting back somewhat into my blogging routine

hello to my glorious life!

what are you saying hello to this week


  1. Ditto to your unhappy face about it getting darker earlier. There goes evening walk with Small Frye after work! I'm saying hello to the week of my first 5K. Stephen would be proud! :)

    1. He is very proud and so am I, you are an amazing young woman on so many levels!

  2. yes, football practice has been ending in the near pitch dark these days & we parents all stand around wondering how the coaches can see anything as we sure as heck can't

    1. no lights?! Do they eventually start practicing earlier?

  3. Getting darker here too, Beverly....and I'm hoping to get back in a blogging routine again too!
    Alison xx

    1. Still trying myself, Alison, hopefully this is the week ;/

  4. We're saying Hello to a cooler weather finally! :>) I'm also saying Hello to teaching Bible Study, a brainstorming session with a friend, a banquet, and a card making class. Enjoy your week!

    1. What study are you teaching this fall? We are doing Spiritual Hunger, not sure how much I like it at this point.

  5. Yes - we too are saying hello to shorter days :(
    But to compensate a little we will have some glorious sunsets - wonderfully coloured leaves - and them crunching underfoot as we walk on them! J x

    1. Are you far enough north to have really long days of light in the summer?

  6. Yes, getting darker here too. Looking forward to taking Penny to Canterbury for her to finally start her second year - it's been a long summer vacation for her!

    1. It has been, I thought she had gone back when ya'll moved things.


YOU ROCK! Seriously, I love getting comments, so know that you have put a bit of added sunshine in my day. Thanks so much and I hope your day is glorious!