15 June 2013

Sharing on Saturdays

Key Lime Parfaits ~ PERFECT refreshing dessert for summer!

Here you go. Virginia is indeed still in "the south!" Yay, y'all!  22 Maps That Show The Deepest Linguistic Conflicts In America - Business Insider

Must say I have NEVER cleaned it. Would explain the smaller and smaller cups I've been getting. Definitely doing this in the morning!     How to clean your Keurig.

mini bacon bean bites

and lastly a free printable perfect for your summer travels!
Scrapbook Your Memories with these Free Travel Downloads


  1. Love the look of the parfaits - might be having a go at making them!

  2. Some scummy looking,things in here. I might even have a look at the bacon cups for my Dad ...

  3. Did y'all notice that there must be a lot of guys in the northern states because they say you guys a lot there? LOL :>)

  4. A great selection as always Beverly :o) The thing that has intrigued me the most is the map of the United States and the use of y'all! I'm also thinking that I'm woefully ignorant as to which state is where on that map. Something I must rectify!

    Fiona xx

  5. Catching up this morning, and I have to say that I love the map with the words used to address a group of people. So true as I use "you guys" ALL the time. It's a mix of my California upbringing, and my Arizona living. ;o)


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